Information and precautions for customs declaration of food imports

2019年1月17日15:49:14Information and precautions for customs declaration of food imports已关闭评论4,525

Information and precautions for customs declaration of food imports:

Receiving units need qualifications:Food Business License、Food Hygiene License

Certification/licensing documents are required before importation.:

1.Certificate of origin,Official Health Certificate of Producing Country

2.List of Manufacturer Components,Manufacturer's Product Inspection Report

3.Certificate of product registration and approval for sale in its country (region)

4.Sample sheet of original packaging label,Three samples of Chinese and English labels

5.Quarantine Producer's Official Quarantine Certificate Needed

6.Other documents and information to be provided

7.Some fruits need to provide the official certificate of pesticide residues in exporting countries.

Notes on Import Customs Declaration of Food Goods:

1.Predict and verify documents and materials, do label audits (if not in accordance with the specifications, it will lead to multiple round trip label rectification)

2.Inspection and quarantine report at port of arrival (packing labels that do not conform to sample sheets will lead to the re-rectification of the labels audited)

3.Sampling inspection of goods and checking of packaging labels of goods (inspection results are not up to standard, resulting in the return of goods to port)

4.Warehousing in the area under the jurisdiction of goods (goods must be stored in the warehouse under the jurisdiction of commodity inspection and quarantine before the inspection and quarantine hygiene certificate is not available for sale and use)

5.Insert Chinese labels and CIQ inspection labels (small boxes and small bags of packaged food need to be checked before importation, and the labels printed on the packaging bags)

6. Commodity Inspection Re-examination Labels (after Chinese Labels are affixed. Receiving Commodity Inspection Specifications. Labels not affixed according to label samples will lead to re-affixing)

7. Handling Health Certificate (Health Certificate Needs to Pay Cost)

8. Label filing (the first import needs to go through the label filing, after the same product does not need to be filed, minus 1.5.6 work)

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