


我想这种方式对于一些真正有意开拓生意的客户会有一定的效果的。 而对于那些大客老客,尽管他们每年和我们的生意额很大,我一般还是会出以下这封信件给客户的。

Dear Sirs,

Firstly thank you for your continuous supports in the past years, we wish both business snowballing in the coming years.

As per the summing-up made by our financial department in the last half year, the statistics showed that we had a very heavy burden on sample cost. Just as you know, during the past years we supplied the small qty samples to our customer free of charge. In this way, we not only had to pay the samples cost in our factory, but also pay for the postage to express courier, such as UPS, FedEx, however, our profit is getting smaller and smaller. Under the above-mentioned situation, we find it is getting difficult to run business in this way. In order to solve this matter in a reasonable way, we hope our customer could help to share the cost by paying the postage. So could you please inform us your account number of UPS or FedEx or other express by return? So that we could send samples by your account number, while we will supply the samples which are free of charge in normal small quantity as before.

We believe this will do favor to develop the business between us. Most of our customers are doing in this way now. We sincerely hope it will be also workable to you. Please kindly comment the new way and advise us your A/C No. Thank you for your cooperation.

Looking forward to hearing from you soon.


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